
Sentiments testing case study - China

In continuation of my last article of "timing the sentiments" regarding the opportunity of investing in China market. I will be sharing some tweets which reflects the sentiments of Indian Investors / Global Investors.  Many a time social media does not help us to make the right decisions because of the influencing power it carries.  Hypothesis: "While Investing one should disconnect his thought process with social media voice or any outer voice for a rationale investing.  I Will be tracking the tweets and articles regarding China financial markets to assess whether the above hypothesis holds. It- Probably just the start. ( markets will go further down ) ..  - Markets will be dead ( understand it's on a lighter note but does impact the Investors thought process)  - Do not focus on the subject, keep looking away. - Haha CNBC - Investors lose both money and time  - Anarchy (it has always been).  Wil

Time the Sentiments - China - Edelweiss Greater China

    A lot has been said about "Timing the Market". My experience and learning have made it easy for me to accept it easily that no one can successfully time the market consistently. Timing the market has two elements: "catching the bottom/peak "and " catching the trend falling/rising" of a particular Sock/index. A successful timing of the market means catching the bottom with the rising trend and vice versa, for an investor to repeat this every time consistently is extremely difficult to execute.  Successfully capturing only "catching the trend" can easily generate above-average returns over a long period. Many factors can impact the trend of a particular Index/stock/industry eg Govt Policies, Monetary policies, Structural changes, and many more. Within that, there is one more element that plays a vital role "Sentiments". Timing the Sentiments can be learned and practiced. One needs to look at various Indexes/stocks at a distance withou